In this video, we're with Christie Medina, CASp #1147, to demonstrate how Martin Brothers Consulting Services evaluates #accessible #parking during our #ADA & #CASp evaluations. This video goes over the technical requirements of a van accessible parking stall under Chapter 11B of the 2022 California Building Code.
In this video, Christie Medina, CASp #1147, demonstrates how to measure door speed and opening force. Compliant door closing speed and opening pressure ensures that doors can be safely and easily operated by individuals with disabilities, including those using wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
The Access Board is an independent federal agency that promotes equality for people with disabilities through leadership in accessible design and the development of accessibility guidelines and standards. The Access Board is probably the most useful of all accessibility resources
The Division of the State Architect (DSA) provides design and construction oversight for K–12 schools, community colleges, and various other state-owned and state-leased facilities to ensure that they comply with all structural, accessibility, and fire and life safety codes.
Disability rights are civil rights. From voting to parking, the ADA is a law that protects people with disabilities in many areas of public life.
Evan Terry Associates created Corada for the purpose of helping people to identify, to understand, and to meet their obligations under the ADA and other access requirements and to help all of us be more efficient and effective in our work.
The Accessibility Professionals Association (APA) provides a forum, resources, and continuing education to learn and share ideas about accessibility in the built environment.
Martin Brothers Consulting Services
1800 E Garry Avenue Suite 214, Santa Ana, CA 92705