Martin Brothers Consulting Services is proud to announce the launch of our new division specializing in playground safety inspections. As Certified Playground Safety Inspectors (CPSI), MBCS is dedicated to ensuring that playgrounds are not only fun, but also safe.
Applicable Standards: CBC 11B-1008.2.6.2, 2010 ADA 1008.2.6.2 Use Zones.
Ground surfaces located within use zones shall comply with ASTM F 1292.
Applicable Standards: CBC 11B-1008.2.6.1, 2010 ADA 1008.2.6.1 Accessibility.
Ground surfaces shall comply with ASTM F 1951.
MBCS utilizes a rotational penetrometer developed by Beneficial Designs, Inc. as part of our playground safety inspections. The tool measures the firmness and stability of floor and playground surfacing. This tool is used to determine how accessible your play surface is to persons using mobility aids such as wheelchairs.
MBCS utilizes the TRIAX A-Missile, a product developed by TRIAX Impact Testing Systems, to evaluate your playground surfacing during our playground safety inspection. This tool measures the shock (measured in Gs) and head injury criteria (HIC) that would be experienced on your playground play surface during a head collision.
Martin Brothers Consulting Services
1800 E Garry Avenue Suite 214, Santa Ana, CA 92705